There will be two rounds of five parallel cross-over sessions. The cross-over sessions are the same for both rounds. This way you are able to attend two cross-over sessions. Below you will find the descriptions of each session.
> Session 1: The Future of Computing and Networks
Theme. All future computing and network systems, advanced wireless networks, and high-performance computing are essential for a fully digitalized and sustainable society that is rooted in ultra-fast data transfer, low latency, and high security. Advances in semicon, photonics, quantum, AI, beyond 5G/6G are at the core of making this possible.
Objective. We will discuss what is needed to make such a transition. Who takes which role? Where would the uptake begin? What are the challenges? What are the benefits? Where is the common ground?
> Session 2: Ecosystem Creation and Open Innovation
Theme. With the increasing complexity of manufacturing, products, and services, the ability to collaborate with external parties becomes an advantage and often even a necessity. Being a proactive part of an ecosystem and practicing open innovation provides fast access to state-of-the-art technology and multi-disciplinary expertise to create a competitive advantage.
Objective. We will discuss the benefits and explore real-world examples for inspiration of ecosystem creation, alliances and open innovation value chains. We will also look into what kind of collaborations are needed to realize a truly hightech & digitalized economy and society. What can we learn from each other, public-private partnerships, policies and practices? What is our common ground?
> Session 3: Creating Digital Trust
Theme. To realise a digital society, creating digital trust is essential. Policies, technology, and safety are crucial elements of this ambition. Data privacy and security as a foundation for trust, and trust as a core design principle when developing digital technologies are ways for technology vendors and service providers to take their responsibility. Which hardware, software, encryption, privacy & safety protection is necessary? How to design privacy regulation and data-handling?
Objective. In this session we will discuss practical approaches on how to secure user data, government policies, and also facilitate businesses to innovate via privacy by design, designing for transparency and user control, how to store and handle data, and hardware solutions. How can we achieve common ground?
> Session 4: HTDX Showcases in Growth Markets and Society 5.0
Theme. Creating future societies and economies needs visions! What is the envisioned future that we are trying to build? How does our society function 15 or 20 years from now? Which applications are impossible today, but should we be ready to embrace tomorrow? How do our governments, think-tanks, research organizations and companies look at the future and what are they doing to realize these visions?
Objective. In this session we will give visionary organizations and their concrete projects or programs a platform. The aim is to inspire the audience with applications of various technologies, which are not just music for the future, but endeavors under development. Are there showcases where we could achieve common ground?
> Session 5: Roundtable on talent ~ Shortages and Life-long Learning in HTDX
Theme. In the age where hightech and digitalisation are key, relevant talented people and their skills are very much needed. The development of knowledge, technical skills and digital skills need to be continuously updated at a higher pace. Not only the initial educational system has to be adjusted continuously, also the concept for life-long learning is of increasing importance. All this to the background of a worldwide shortage of talent in key enabling technologies, such as semicon, quantum, photonics, AI, 6G.
Objective. We will discuss how higher education, private companies and knowledge institutions could work together to realise an attitude and system change. What can we learn from each other, and how can we collaborate in talent development, mobility and exchange? What is our common ground?