Designing our Future
- 9:30 Doors open
- 10.00 Hightech & Digitalization Highlights from the Netherlands
(5 themes in 3 parallel sessions)
Showcasing HTDX delegation technologies - 12:30 Plenary session
- MoU picture moment
- Opening speech
- Keynotes
- Lunch
- High-level Panel discussion 1 (ASML, TNO etc)
- High-level Panel discussion 2 (NXP etc )
- 15.00 Cross-over session (Round 1) (5 in parallel)
1. The future of computing and networks
2. Ecosystem creation and open innovation
3. Creating digital trust
4. HTDX showcases in growth markets for Society 5.0
5. Roundtable on talent
~ Shortages and Life-long Learning in HTDX - 16:20 Cross-over session (Round 2) (5 in parallel)
Same themes as above - 17.40 Reception dinner
- Entire day Innovation Parade
A showcase of NL innovations - 19:00 End